Java 学习指南_学习Java:运算符总结 发表于 2017-09-07 | 分类于 java 运算符总结Summary of Operators一下快速参考总结了Java编程语言所支持的运算符。 赋值运算符1= 赋值 Simple assignment operator 数学运算符123456+ 加法/字符串链接Additive operator (also used for String concatenation)- 减法Subtraction operator* 乘法Multiplication operator/ 除法Division operator% 取余数Remainder operator 一元运算符1234567891011+ 一元正号操作,可省略Unary plus operator; indicates positive value (numbers are positive without this, however)- 一元负号操作,取相反数Unary minus operator; negates an expression++ 自增操作,表达式值增加1.Increment operator; increments a value by 1-- 自减操作,表达式值减少1.Decrement operator; decrements a value by 1! 逻辑否操作,取反。Logical complement operator; inverts the value of a boolean 相等及关系运算123456== 等于Equal to!= 不等于Not equal to> 大于Greater than>= 大于等于Greater than or equal to< 小于Less than<= 小于等于Less than or equal to 条件运算Conditional Operators1234&& 条件与运算Conditional-AND|| 条件或运算Conditional-OR?: 三木运算Ternary (shorthand for if-then-else statement 简便的if-then-else形式) 类比较运算Type Comparison Operator12instanceof 将一个对象与具体的类,接口比较Compares an object to a specified type 位运算与位移运算Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators1234567~ 一元补码运算Unary bitwise complement<< 有符号左位移Signed left shift>> 有符号右位移Signed right shift>>> 无符号右位移Unsigned right shift& 位与运算Bitwise AND^ 位异或运算Bitwise exclusive OR| 位或运算Bitwise inclusive OR Enjoy it ? Donate me ! 欣赏此文?支持一下 ! 赏 微信打赏 支付宝打赏